Sunday, April 5, 2009
Leah had her first tball game this weekend and did great. Her team ended up winning 18-11 and I was so proud.
Baseball season finally started so you'll hear lots of talk about my Astros over the course of the next 161 games. I fear it's going to be a very long season, but I'm still holding out hope. I'm afraid we didn't get the pitching that we needed to have a successful season, but we shall see.
I've been religiously watching American Idol but now that tball has started I'm afraid I'll be missing quite a bit of it. I'm wondering if there's a place I can watch the performances on the internet somewhere even if I can't vote. I can at least keep up. There will be nights I can still watch.
Had a sickie in the house today. Laila managed to cover nearly the whole house in her "sick" and let me tell you, after cleaning that up, I'm glad it's over. I hope she was the only one. Pray no one else gets it.
Jobs are scarce this week, and I'm not sure why. I need to work enough to pay for my plane ticket to VA in June. I'm going to visit a very dear friend of mine and I'm really looking forward to it. I'm just hoping it pans out like I'm thinking it will.
Well, I think I've exhausted about all of my conversation topics and my laptop battery is low. Hope all is well for everyone.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
All put together.
Now I can't wait to use the paper (shhh, don't tell) that I bought at HL the other day. I was trying to restrict my paper buying, but I used so much paper on my Project 365 that my stash was really depleted so I bought some more to replace it. Didn't buy any solid cardstock, which I should have, but I did buy two really neat stacks, and I'm over the moon about them.
I love paper!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
No idea what # we're on/365
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Never going to catch up
I've had lots of neat photo ops lately. Laila has started t-ball, and that's provided a lot of interesting subject matter. I can't wait until Opening Day. It's April 4. It seems like a lifetime away, but I know once practices get rolling, it will be here before I know it. I'm thrilled that she was able to get signed up and get into it because she's been asking to play since November when she decided that dance wasn't for her. I think she's more of an athlete anyway.
This week proves to be a pretty busy one as well. Tomorrow night we have talent show practice, (Leah wants to be in the talent show that's a fundraiser for the Prom), Tuesday night I'm thinking we have nothing. Leah needs to practice for the talent show that night, and she's also got a dance recital this weekend. The actual talent show is Wednesday night, so we'll be forgoing Awanas for that. Thursday night she'll need to practice more for her recital, and then Friday is the big day. She's dancing in a recital with my niece Kristin, who's a junior in high school. Each of the girls got to pick a little girl to teach the dance to and dance along with in the recital and Kristin picked Leah. I'm really excited to see the final product. All I know is that they're dancing to That's How You Know from Enchanted. I really can't wait. Saturday I'm supposed to go to a scrapbook get together, but we'll see how that works out. It really depends on the babysitting situation. I really would like to go, even if only for a little while, but I don't want to have to overuse my parents for non work related outings. Sunday is another girl scout cookie booth, and let me tell you, I'll be glad when that's over. The following week is Spring Break, and it can NOT come soon enough.
That's about everything that's going on for now. This time change has really messed me up, so I'm going to try to get myself to bed before my body tells me it's time. Night all.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Journaling for my photos.
January 31st-Bathing Beauties just got out of the bath, all wrapped up and ready for the bedtime routine.
February 1st-Super Bowl Sunday, Leah bought me some I heart Football earrings and I decided to day was as good a day as any to wear them.
February 2nd-Starting reading the Twilight series today. Am loving it so far.
February 3rd-My absolute disaster of a scrapbook desk, this is where my mojo went. It's under all this mess somewhere.
February 4th-Subbed at the intermediate today. Some of the kiddos drew me some pictures and Valentines. They're so sweet at that age.
February 5th-My new bag. I heart shoes, it says. And I really do.
February 6th-Finally got my ID tag for work, so now I'm official! YAY!
February 7th-Finished the Twilight series today. It took me less than a week, and I'm still anxious for more. I guess the movie's next on my agenda.
February 8th-Seemed like a good day for everyone to have pigtails. They didn't last long, but they were still adorable, and I'm glad we did it. At least they left them up through lunch.
February 9th-The dam on the way to Livingston Walmart. We make this drive at least once a week, and it's a sight we see often.
February 10th-Starting making bows today. I'm having a blast. Like I have time for another hobby.
February 11th-Laila had to have shots today, and her daddy told me it didn't go well. She told me "I told the nurse not to do it to me, but she doed it to me, and it hurt!"
February 12th-Attempting to clean off my mess of a desk so I can get my groove back. Picture taken by Laila.
February 13th-Took the kiddos to the doctor today because everyone is sick. We got loaded up with medication.
February 14th-My valentine. Nyquil. This goes down in history as the worst Valentine's Day ever.
February 15th-In an effort to make me feel better, my sweet husband barbecued today. It was deliciously divine, as always.
February 16th-Still sick. This about sums up the entire mood in our household at the moment.
February 17th-Food Network helps me sleep. I love it.
February 18th-My new Paula Abdul-esque bracelet. Of course, mine was much cheaper than hers are, but no one has to know.
February 19th-Leah practicing her girl scout promise and girl scout law with utter and complete enthusiasm. Doesn't she look excited?
February 20th-Laila's pony, Alinda, and the homemade leash she made for her. Taken by one of the children as we were getting ready to go pick up girl scout cookies./
February 21st-They've taken over our home. The girl scout cookies are everywhere!
February 22nd-Freezing ourselves to death all for the good of the girl scouts. We sold 105 boxes today. Not too shabby.
That's all I've got for now. Maybe the pictures will come along at some point.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Nearing the end?
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Still kicking...errrr...clicking...
That's about all I've got for now. Hopefully I can find time this weekend to make some effort to catch up. If everyone would just stop blogging until I have time to read them all, that would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks. ;)
Friday, January 30, 2009
So far behind: 19-30/365
January 25
One of my very best friends' birthday was today, so I went over to help her try to get moved back into her house (got destroyed in Ike and they're just now finishing the repairs) and give her the book I bought for her. She loves Shel Silverstein, so I bought her Where the Sidewalk Ends, which she's been wanting for a long time. She loved it. January 26
Nothing of note happened today, so I decided to take a picture of my collection, my music boxes, which I've been collecting since I was 16. I've lost count over the years of how many I have, some have broken, I've gotten new ones, and I just recently got a really neat one for Christmas. Some day I'd like to have a curio cabinet to put them in, but I've been saying that for years, so we shall see.
January 27
The hubby had to request that I fold clothes today, as the pile has gotten out of hand. I wish I hired help just to fold the laundry. I don't mind any of the other chores, but that's one that I detest!
January 28
The girls go to AWANAS every Wednesday night. They love going to church and seeing all of their friends and working hard to memorize their Bible verses so that they can be checked off. It gives them a great sense of accomplishment, and makes Mommy proud as well. :)
Monday, January 26, 2009
Still Here
Sunday, January 18, 2009
18/365: Just Plain Silliness
Lucy and Mom
Saturday, January 17, 2009
15,16&17/365: Homework, Awards, and Daddy's Girl
Leah's awards ceremony for the 4th 6-weeks grading period. All A's and the Character Counts award, which means she's had exemplary behavior all year long. If only we could see some of that character at home. I guess I'd rather her be a charmer at school than treat her teachers like she treats her sisters.
January 17
Leah spent most of the weekend at a friend's house, and she was very excited to be home with her parents. Of all three of my girls, she is the self-proclaimed Daddy's Girl. She looks the most like him as well. I like to see them spending quality time together.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
14/365: ON HOLD?! *edit* Crisis Averted
After I searched the entire house top to bottom, and even asked my 4 year old what she had been taking pictures of when she used Mommy's camera, I started to get a little frustrated. Thinking of all of the time and effort I had spent on this project and then not having a camera to take the pictures in order to complete it brought tears to my eyes. It's silly I know, but PMS is my story and I'm sticking to it. I remember her telling me that she was taking pictures of the computer. Didn't make much sense at the time, but when I started thinking about where the camera could be, I decided to scour the desk from top to bottom, inside and out, to find my camera. Wanna see where it was hiding?
Monday, January 12, 2009
12/365: Photo Shoot
I want to share all of them, but being the shutterbug that I am, I accidentally took 59 pictures, LOL, and it would take me all day to post them all, so I'll just post the one I plan on using for my P365, and maybe throw some of the others in later.
Her royal Cuteness and her "mad face"
Sunday, January 11, 2009
10&11/365: More than 16 candles and Running on Empty
On Saturday, we attended a birthday party for my friend's husband, who turned 30 this year. Tons of jokes were made about him getting old, as he's the oldest of the group of friends that were at the party, and it came out that while he was at the grocery store that afternoon, the cashier addressed him as Pops. That was the running joke all evening. It got me to thinking though, that this is what my birthday cake is going to look like in 8 months. Someone call the fire department!!
January 11thIt seems like every time I get in my van these days the gas gauge says the same thing. It's not from traveling too much because I never go anywhere except to the school and the grocery store. And gas prices have gone down, so that's not the culprit either, but all I know is that every time I sit down in the driver's seat I'm faced with an empty tank!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
8&9/365: Wrinkles and Beachy Fun
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
7/365: Woozid
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
6/365: Movie Madness and Creamy Goodness
Monday, January 5, 2009
5/365: Fun with Friends
Sunday, January 4, 2009
4/365: Karaoke Divas
Saturday, January 3, 2009
3/365: Unseasonably Warm
The kids identified the shape immediately. See if you can. You have to turn your head sideways because my computer wouldn't let me rotate the image. Look <---- that way.
Friday, January 2, 2009
2/365: Long Night
The "finished" product
Thursday, January 1, 2009
1/365: Happy New Year
I have decided to revive my blog and use it as a springboard for my upcoming project. I am dedicated and determined this year to complete it. I have always had good intentions for Project 365, but never managed to finish it, or in most cases, even start it. So now I can at least say I started it, even if it ends up incomplete. I honestly think I have the drive this year to finish it.
So away we go!